If all booths looked like THIS at Bridal Fairs!

Bridal Fairs tend to be the same - a big room full of those linen-covered 6 ft tables. It's loud and hard to make it through and often feels overwhelming. I know many of you, if you go at all, don't really want to talk to anyone, you just want to pick up cards or brochures and figure it out later. The Independent Photographer's Network in town sponsored last weekend, a new kind of Wedding Show - one in which attendees can actually visit venues and SEE products. The Briarhurst, The Cliff House, Craftwood and several other venues in Manitou Springs opened their doors for an open house, while florist and floral designers decorated the venues, Photographers took engagement photos and showed their pictures and DJs played music. You could EXPERIENCE the vendors and no one pushed their services on you - merely gave you information and offered themselves up for questions. It was truly unique and I hope they continue with this new take on wedding shows to do it again next year!
Enjoy my virtual booth! Thanks to Jon Asp of Jon Asp Photography for the pictures...http://www.jonaspphoto.com/

Happy Planning!
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